It is not too late to see revival and spiritual awakening in America

It is not too late to see revival and spiritual awakening in America

The Apostle Paul speaking to Timothy described the days we are living in now … times that are difficult and demonic ... times of spiritual darkness and unprecedented delusion. Paul's words were not a promise - to be believed - but rather a warning ... a call to preparation for answering the confusion and compromise we see in the church and in the culture.

Elevating Lives - Elevating Community: Part One

Elevating Lives - Elevating Community: Part One

Reaching people with the gospel is one of the mandates of the Master. Romans 10:13-17 reminds us that "whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" but without a messenger obeying the call to preach the gospel no one can respond to the invitation. The Lord gave this commission to His church promising a partnership with authority and power to do the work of the Kingdom.